Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Notes from the Dark

It's 5:30 AM and I am sitting in the dark. My tube light's flickered and died. A hundred different alarms in a hundred different rooms of a hundred different studious bastards are deafening me. My towel looks menacing in the half light of the walkway. A car drives by. Odd. I grope for keys in vain, as this post advances, one typo at a time. The smell of Ching's Hot Garlic lingers, masking the usual stench of my room. Someone goes to the bathroom, knocking over a dustbin in the dark. One studious bastard knocks on another one's door, waking him. The fan is relentless in its efforts to cool the room. I am in a cold sweat. I close my eyes. A Panda Bear appears.

Fluorescence is luminescence that occurs where the energy supplied kicks an electron of an atom from a lower energy state into an excited state, after which the electron releases the energy when it falls back to a lower energy state.

There's a monster under my bed, and it's out to get me.