Saturday, December 12, 2009

And so it begins...

I feel like a bowl of petunias.

(Homer Simpson drool)Those were some nice petunias. Burp.

"Sing, goddess, of Achilles' ruinous anger
Which brought ten thousand pains to the Achaeans,
And cast the souls of many stalwart heroes
To Hades, and their bodies to the dogs
And birds of prey."

I wanted Bebinca. I still want Bebinca. I shall always want Bebinca. Damn all those heathens who finished the food at the Christmas dinner!!! (Ooh... multiple exclamation marks. That's a first. And a last. See what happens when you deny me food?)

Flight of the Conchords is teh shit. And New Zealand kicks... Old Zealand's ass? An eerily timed flood of curses erupts in AH5, impressive in both volume and vocabulary. I'm sorry, mon junior. Croissant?

I'm jobless, am I not? No, you aren't. You have a compre to give. Minor details...

Vendetta! Vendetta!


  1. Tomato, tomato... it's all red. Or greenish brown.


  2. My opinion, flight of the conchords is shit sans the.
    But the songs are fun in media player, oddly enough.

    Also, is that an over hitchhiker's reference or was the choice of flowers arbitrary?
